Wednesday, December 28, 2022

say it


each response
my hesitancy
toes icy

a lie coerced
grabs hold of
teeth & tongue
to avoid its

why don't you
ask for a

& he does

in continuous
breath, what is
held sacred,

answers this
call & 
a repeated

grateful to
be found, 
if not

Friday, December 23, 2022


art is simply the
attempt to explain
truth in the context 
of a lie

a beautiful form of
self-preservation where
one can create a 

completely traceable 
but ultimately 

Friday, December 16, 2022


insanity that 
infuriates yet 
is easily named

the impulse to
jump to my death 
when standing at 
the edge of
great heights

the fear I might,
for no reason,
drive my car off
a bridge on a
dark whim

is still less absurd
than this urge to 
fall & shatter
continuously on a 
loop for their

Sunday, December 11, 2022


such a simple
the memory of
brushing skin 

attaches an
extra layer to 
a film of which
I'd already been 

it's unfair
being a woman
in this

unwilling to 
separate mind
from body

Friday, December 2, 2022

no beers, but tears for fears

In lieu of 

[it is after
midnight &

I have 
nothing &


I am waiting 
to be certain

that the world
isn't ending]

I made a

at some 

to just 
go ahead

allow the


I'll drown 
in anything

& if I can't 
tap out

I may as well
go all in. 

Sunday, November 27, 2022


my poor bed is 
holding up so much 
weight tonight.

those swallowed 
slid down smooth, 

given an hour 
on my back,

sank hard to form
heavy nevers & 
there's no antacid to 
cure the heart burns.

I'm certain now that 
I've digested every
salty subconscious 

devoured every bit of 
alcohol left in
this house
to fill the rest


I still save room
for a scream

there's always
room for you, 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

life right now

I just apologized
for simply existing
& this was actually

Dude, I was being
you're not supposed to 
just roll with it.


Twelve minutes until
my shift starts, 
I am staring at the 
front entrance
from my parked car.

I really feel how
easy it would be to just
quit at everything.


I just choked on the 
water that I drank to 
keep myself from 

This is what 
happens when 
I try to help 


I am watching the moon
fall into a red shadow
in a clear night. This must
hold some magic,

so I wished on the
eclipsing moon, two
shooting stars, &
an airplane.

I believe in nothing
& everything

Saturday, October 29, 2022


it's had time to burn
to flicker, aching
while bound & breaking
buried under silence

thriving on meager
crumbs of memory
surviving, though
hope misplaced

a smoldering glow
behind hidden tears
still holding space
through passing years

this flame ignited
folded in his arms &
keeps me warm in hopes
I find my way back

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

substitute synonym

I believe we appear 
jointly attractive
I thought your sneakers
were not vegan friendly

he's an ersatz man
implied height from his
platform shoes 
easy appearances 
are all convoluted
seems in his salad days 
but really quite wilted

he entered the world
with a disposable spork
in his face hole

(this is what happens when I can't sleep at 4am and get the great idea to rewrite song lyrics to say the exact same thing, only stupider...all because the word "ersatz" had been mysteriously clanging around in my head)

Saturday, October 22, 2022

getting through

Drink water.
Stretch & move
(okay, stop moving
that hurt).


Take a shower
Scrub, shave, condition.
Perfume &
apply war paint. 

Don't drink, 
don't smoke
(what do you do?)
Subtle withdrawal
symptoms follow,
(must drink
endless coffee).

Journal & reflect.
Dream & set goals.
Check internal dialogue 
(it says
this is all

Nam Myoho 
Renge Kyo, 
on a loop,
under breath
(so no one knows
you've been dabbling).

Guided meditation. 
Binaural delta waves.
Sleep hypnosis. 
Subliminal reprogramming.
Lofi hip hop?
Just fucking SLEEP! 


Trying is

Monday, October 17, 2022

here goes

started meds

they allow me
to experience



without this 
to vomit 
from my eyes

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

first thing

spit from sleep to 
blaring lightness
a blinding scream

placing dreams
still rebellious 
back into cages

holding no caution
under my skin to the
notes of his song

from dangle & pull,
I yawn echoes into the
safety of a morning

Sunday, September 11, 2022

diffusing a bomb

as I'm slamming doors &
cursing existence, I 
replay this thought of a 
wiser, calmer self, 
sighing in the back

"expectations are only
waiting to happen."

(delivered in a 

I have no idea how or when
that sentiment burrowed in,
which inspirational garbage heap
this quote was salvaged from, yet 
here it is, regardless.


I'm still throwing things
but breathing, 
allowing the uncaring 
current of events to
carry me screaming 
toward certain failure

thank you,
Wiser Jenny,
you're so right!

just kick back, let go
of what you can't change
& allow the whims of
assholes to dictate the 
course of your life

just breathe...


(don't hurt anyone)

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

First Reformed

Ethan pours himself a death
& wraps himself in wire,
suffering to deflect his
desire (I think, there's really 
no difference)
but in the end, as in life,
love reigns over god

alright, but
I'll watch anything
starring Ethan Hawke.

it's taken me four nights
to get through this movie,
I pour out my death &
go to bed.

First Reformed

Saturday, September 3, 2022

dreaming small

if I disappear just a bit
into a ready-made story
(not that I could, but if)

erase enough of me that 
they quit digging on
exposed nerves &
I could not be found

well, then
life would be grand

I'd drink my coffee
after dinner, curl into 
the night alone to
read & sleep without
dreaming big

rinse & repeat

this is me, but
we love our big ideas
of self, flickering,
burning projections,
stories cast with us,
words written for us

but what character, then,
am I?

the ill-fated mother of
every fairy tale heroine,
only a beloved memory

a naive orphan wandering
the forest, serenading 
woodland creatures

a dark sorceress,
terrifying, commanding,
bitter to the beauty of youth

the feral warrior princess
fighting for nature,
renouncing humanity 

a spectral grin
teasing from the trees, 
spouting mad misdirection 

or, just

peaceful & small, 
wanting only a smoke,
a bit of adventure &
a second breakfast

Friday, August 26, 2022

the perfect recipe

have drunken deep thought
count syllables on fingers
boom, it's a haiku


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

jumping waves

another suit
slipped, zipped
fit smooth & tight
skin for skin
watching the
tide roll in

each wave greets
a new swimmer
familiar to the sea,
waters lap & slide
past her fresh & 
ephemeral hide

but if the swells
calm, slow, show
the diver there's
room to survive
nude & disarmed,
unbreaking, unharmed

she will shed her suit,
buoyed by trust, brave,
peel down & bare skin 
untouched & fair 'neath
slippery illusions that hide
a self she saves

(but she's still keeping
a skin for the next wave) 

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Alice (1988)

there's rain after Alice
washing away sawdust
of taxidermied rodents
& now there's a drum ritual
coming from the batting cages
have we fallen asleep
fallen asleep fallen
into her desk drawer
a memory of this film is
a memory of a dream is
a memory of a memory
and the raindrops trick our
arms into numbness, the ants
inside the sink are the last 
straw, I'm going to bed to
wake up & never watch this
movie again

Definitely recommend 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

a poem without words (translated into words)

nothing feels more
honest than silence.

I could fill the space
with noise & static 


thoughts scale down
to insufficient when
tiny into 


if I could construct a 
wordless poem

(only the raw material)

exude this 
passion & pain
through stillness

(rather than 
demoting them to


no one could
fucking read it


Sunday, July 31, 2022

i must be asleep

any time now
I'm going to
wake up &
tell everyone
I dreamt that
my cat just
gave birth to
George Jetson

Saturday, July 30, 2022


if the sky were gray
this wouldn't all feel 
so wrong
but aching here in
the sunshine
lends an unbearable
dimension to emptiness
& lines it with guilt

Monday, July 18, 2022

tired: a song without music

I'm learning slowly
the cruel lies of time
losing intention & 
ignoring the signs
keeping hands up 
over my eyes
it's impressive 
how much pain my
ignorance buys

I write my maps of 
unresolved dreams
handmade grief & 
shifting extremes
keep turning this wheel 
of hope & ennui
until I'm so dulled
I don't care 
what I believe

adrift in the sea or
running aground
it's my own siren song
that lures me to drown
my heart pulls me in &
fear holds me down
I know how to swim but 
I'm so tired &
lost in the sound

Sunday, July 17, 2022


time's not forgiving
put down the crystal ball &
roll the fucking dice

Saturday, July 16, 2022


old friend, you may be
tearing my stomach up, but
I just can't quit you


to tread bare faced, raw
through a world of masked liars
is true bravery

Thursday, July 14, 2022

I never could get the hang of Thursdays

I awoke to Shadowy Men
on a Shadowy Planet, guitars &
nostalgia signaling me from my
phone, dragging me out of a 
basement nightmare where all my
comics & vinyl were filled with
bugs (also, eggs of bugs)


~but before that~

there were donkeys on the
deck, an entire family of them just
pissing and jumping everywhere
(their elders spoke English but 
said nothing of consequence)
these eventually morphed into 
my friends, who were holding 
drinks & ignoring me

go ahead &
analyze that

yeah, I'm glad I'm out,
into this blur of a world & 
Kids in the Hall isn't a 
terrible way to wake
the cat is screaming 
at my door & 
I'm out of cream for my
coffee & 
there's this desert 
in my mouth from the
4am boozy boys

ahhh already
fuck you, Thursday. 

Sunday, July 10, 2022


all these interviews 
show that she was alone
among the children, 
quietly mad & cruel

had the world been such a
sacrifice if her brilliance 
shown so clearly in
black & white, photos of
lives unseen

is it better to burn 
brightly & dangerous, 


to coast happily
ignorant of the
dark alleys, 
spreading one's
mediocrity evenly 
over just the

connecting & loving,
being loved without
sharp corners, collections, 
fixed points of anger

pleading at the end
just to be seen

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

rope bridge

quote from a dream world: 

"safety isn't always comfort, 
but sometimes danger.
excitement isn't necessarily 
danger, but sometimes safety."

full circle. I guess. 

that doesn't 
make sense,
but I just woke up.

I had another bridge dream
where I stalled on my side
of a long rope bridge over a
canyon of certain death.

this isn't my worst fear
but it's definitely
one of them.

it replaced the bridge to Hatteras
(which seemed taller than necessary,
but I suppose that was my perception).
Hatteras wasn't on the other side &
that doesn't make sense, either. 

to be where I needed,
I had to cross.

I'm a little disgusted by this
obvious metaphor.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

oh, snap

a band snaps me back
in an instant, a flimsy circle
over thin skin to hold me 
in place, from distraction
gone but persistent, here 

surrounded by reminders, 
there's nowhere else to go
but backwards, pulled in,
a foot propped on a table,
a song taped to the line

(SNAP) the world comes
back into focus, a duller
version of a daydream that's
already seeping back in, an
eyelash blown into the wind

(SNAP) someone is playing
Piano Man in spanish, I sing
along in english, it's sad & it's
sweet & I knew it complete,
a way to shield the hated heat

(SNAP) move faster, focus & 
when he comes round with the 
clipboard again, take the time,
this place only amplifies what's
lovely & fleeting by being neither

Thursday, June 16, 2022

self pep talk

ignore where the mind goes
when tired and alone. this is a
nightmare field of nowhere,
existing only to rehearse for a
contingency, a risk assessment, 
an emergency exit from fear.

don't pretend to care or not,
the soul dismantles with every
lie, the spirit clouds each time
we change our masks to face
another's disguise. there is love
that can't be found in fictions. 

never doubt there's room for you,
your authenticity, your voice, to live. 
no place but everywhere, a space
homemade within the skin, a hidden
world where you are always allowed,
fully accepted, & loved unrestricted.

mistakes aren't defining & flaws are
beauty in the eyes of the worthy. 
tattoos are only decorative scars, 
same as all physical imperfections, 
mental differences, past experience, 
it's all just the ornamental ink of life.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022


we're all reduced to 
smaller than 

an idea,
a role, 
a type, 
a function.

a means but
not an end. 

all our words 
matter less.

there are no
soul confrontations,
only others to
bounce our own
sounds back.

return, confirm,

it's the essence 
of a game of
to distort 
every word.

interpret, reshape
into a thing that fits
what is expected, 
what is wanted. 

on both ends 
of the call.

Monday, June 13, 2022


my flowers are dead
crushed and rotting in a jar
just taking up space

I knew I'd kill them,
picked them months ago with no
water yet to give

petal by petal
each wilt under the knowledge
that I'm their owner

the dry spray of breath
betrays my expectations 
brittle and fallen

colors have faded
to an old & pale blood stain
marked with rejection

they know sometimes I
wish I'd never picked them, but
they're too parched to cry

oh, when will I learn
flowers only thrive when I
leave them in the earth

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Lok Gweltz

the shuffle between keys,
birds, the echo of room
stir memories of oceans 
never seen, cool salt air 
never breathed, a rocky
French coast of delicious
gloom only visited for the 
length of a song, a dance
for lonely notes uniting
under his fingers

Sunday, June 5, 2022

blood in the cut

the silence resonates 
louder lately,
paces through my body, 
bouncing limb 
to limb, into my very
nervous system, 
echoing the sound of
indefinite absence

it's a disquieting quiet
felt as starvation,
amplified by the effects of
memories, pills, time,
a resounding nothing
pounding rhythmic
while I hunger for

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

back & forth

numbness follows from 
these contradictory states 
I occupy



as if extreme emotions
could cancel each other 

leave a blank 
space that grumbles

there's nothing to 
feed it that won't 
breed its opposite

empty again

I'm filling this void
with velveeta


I'm an island of bone in a sea of 
blood slipping up my white shores,
washed with the stain of ruin, 
dragging the unwary under the 
heady iron waves of my blessed curse,
luring, conquering, sucking words 
of poets, songs of man into my 
inferno lungs & exhaling the smoke of 
this burning world into the 
faces of their ghosts

Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Dreaming

I'm a consciousness in a 
void where the depths are 
safe. Each exchange is a 
private internal discussion
with selves of varying faces,
playing out disjointed scenes
to a nonsensical film with no
discernable start or conclusion.
This daily subjugation is welcomed,
embraced with eyes shut, held at
times with a desperation that only
follows a dry absence. I lay still,
begging at times for him to pull me
under, craving the descent into a
delicious sort of madness where I
create myself truthful & new, shed the 
exquisite corpse assembled from
distorted sight, misconceptions, & 
the partial observations of others.
I become energy.
I return to my source.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022


drained of everything & refilled
with noise & hunger, I'm so tired.
withdrawal settles into bones
an ache for a drug barely tasted
& I watch the dark corners for
scenarios. those shadows are
never as deep. the mannequins 
holding brooms, scattered paused
across the floor, are catching breath 
with me, inadvertently stopping time,
holding the moment until the dusty air
begins to tremble, unable to hold the
collective inner screams.

Monday, May 23, 2022

I'm the chairman of the bored

the rain has made its way
into my lungs, cloud cover
blocks the signal & I'm quiet

each car door slam, distant
dog bark, I'm smaller, further,
sinking into the floorboards

indifferent to this simulation,
the perceptual isolation of this
life, removed from all sense

absently chewing on reality, 
arbitrary social contracts, object
permanence, & my lower lip

cursing the homemade roadblocks
frustrating the paths to nirvana,
all the self-fulfilling incapacity

mostly I'm just bored, overthinking
the world, laying around & watching
the fucking Roku screensaver


from routine to dream
this wanted lucidity
pours into spaces
spills down into 
empty crevices,
saturates with 
filling, finding 
dark corners 
left to dust, 
greasing parts 
left to rust,
a flood of sweet
clarity washing
clean the doubts
from the trust

Thursday, May 19, 2022

stream-of-thought benadryl haze

my thoughts have 
come untethered 
maybe it's the rain, 
the death, or just the 
lack of little death 
keeping me from 
seeing clearly, 
feeling clearly, 
or just having a 
normal fucking mind
but nothing is so 
simple anymore
nothing as transparent
as me, writing this
trite self-indulgent 
bullshit in place of 
forcing the things 
I promised,
because words are
hard when they're

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

wednesday afternoon depersonalization

everything keeps starting, 
stopping, stalling out from 
being pulled in five different 
directions, nothing seems real &
at times, I'm not even tangible 
until I make contact, don't 
exist without that pressure
the weight of another 
until then I'm only an idea
abstract, formless
a wisp of words and dream
ungrounded, watching my 
body float between worlds 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022


there's a phenomenon
which brings together
those who would ordinarily 

the sudden shut down of
every distraction, every
convenience, the hum of 

they're in the yard now
is it just us, why is this
happening, when will it

I'm suddenly starving to
death, there wasn't enough
coffee, how long will this

the front rooms, illuminated,
dim then brighten with each 
passing cloud, the air so very

an hour has passed & I am certain
this is the end, or the start of the
inevitable zombie apocalypse, send

the restoration of our lives, sanity
is estimated for later this evening
DAMMIT, I'll have to shower in the 


**a poem found on my phone's notepad from 7/10/21**

one day I'd like to sit with
someone who knows
that I know that they know
and neither need articulate 

one day I'd like to laugh across a
beer or two without it 
already being my blood

just once, try mushrooms
and not lose my damn head

I'd like to wake up to a
beginning and not prepare for an end

I want to know the
feeling of untethered
connecting only with 
that which fulfills me
those who love me 

make my decisions without guilt
enter the unknown without fear
see my past without regret
imagine the future without dread
love without restraint
live without you

Monday, May 16, 2022

silent film

a slow & silent descent
see to the children
make dinner, wash the
dishes, slide down down

doors shut, eyes closed
rain starts, stops, only
falls for me, only falls
on me, appliances hum

no one is breathing,
hollow comments, 
formalities "it's raining 
again," "I'm so tired"

sit in the drizzle watching
cars pass, digest the quiet 
resting uneasy in the air,
a bland veil of solitude 

Sunday, May 15, 2022

blood moon

robed in stained purity
I submit
helpless to this 
crimson satellite
dance blindly to the 
hum of raw life in my veins
under humid glow, she 
draws me close
slips silently into shadow
whispering darkly,
secret tales to 
restless souls

Saturday, May 14, 2022


that fog hanging under the moon
is just the smoke exhaled from my
string of spent luckies as I
sigh havoc into the night

it rained earlier & the streetlamp
must be catching mist in the trees,
it's creating glowing pinpoints, fairy
lights that glimmer with the wind

I can hear the North River, though
not visible in the dark, I can tell it's full,
hushing all other sound in a white noise
holding me in trance as I sit, just being

I could stay here till dawn this way
with the fog & the river & twinkle lights
keeping my secrets, surrounding me
with a mystic sense of knowing

Friday, May 13, 2022

space & time

I've turned on my
porch light, I suppose
that's all I can do

the key was left 
under the mat to
my wide open door

invitation extended to
what, I don't know,
space to speak aloud

room for thoughts to
convey outside of
easily mistook riddles

a place to just be
without funneling self into
accepted working form

just space & time to 
connect, no assumptions 
no expectations

Thursday, May 12, 2022

the jennybot is malfunctioning

dear universe
please pull this heavy
fucking blanket off
I can't see enough
to make sense of
anything, the air is
just so close
everything happening
all at once, the noise
can't focus, can't care, my
breaker keeps tripping over
every mouth speaking
the sound of the TV
the dull temperature of the air
how can everything feel like
too much but also

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

angry beaches

flowing forward, a tide
(despite the world's 
ignorant rip current 
drawing back) 
containing strength as an 
ocean churning in love &
rage, bearers of existence & the 
weight of the entire deep,
rising as one wave, an
impregnable wall of tears
toppling the thieves 
threatening to steal the 
autonomy of the sea

Monday, May 9, 2022


here's some frustration
caught in an unknown
limbo, running out of
room, out of time

again with this
time & space

(the absurdity of this 
neverending sea of
shitting turtles 
I have to deal with)

~in other news~

riddled with a vague
sense that I'm always
making up my own
dance to no music

(I just need a clear
enough song, a beat
some feet to step on
a hand on my back)

fuck these turtles)

lovely lovely morning

storms, clouds
give way to an
after rain clarity,
vivid warmth of
leaves filtering light
into patterns on my
toes while I build
scenes in the sky
between sips of
coffee, humming 
all of me
why not take
all of me

Sunday, May 8, 2022

That time I cried through an entire Tori Amos show

I let it all overflow
hiding it with my hair
tears from nearly 
finding the afterworld
in a Lincoln, 
from hearing her voice 
after so long, silent 
all these years &
found beyond 
so many different 
kinds of storms,
grateful for Precious Things
from clearer skies

Friday, May 6, 2022

Holy fuck, we're still alive??

tori wails her
siren song over
my town car speakers
under threat of


through torrential
I cry, grip the wheel
& levitate out of myself

my potato copilot lighting
my smokes as we
Thelma & Louised
into the misty abyss

the end
was nigh

just some headspace

these thoughts 
they never
stray far before
I'm back here
throwing feelings
blowing wishes
into the wind
praying they find
their way back

this trust requested 
(never so 
readily given)
has grown
secret tendrils of
hope, before bound
now broken free from
their cynical restraints
silently offering 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

well, damn

this goes only one way
for days, feel the
soft weight of all the 

thoughts that I 
can't read

how did I ever have
you at a disadvantage?

I'm the one with
only my own words to
keep me company

lawless optimism

another soul
who had been down in it
has finally emerged
from their grave

smiling for the new days
despite all else going
unchanged, I received 
my fortune

fuck it

said through a clear
& beaming face
this nihilistic mantra
resonates deep

moving forward with no
trepidation, finding what
sweet chaos the
universe offers next

Fuck it!

we're all hurtling through this 
void, bouncing into one
another, there are no
absolutes, no certainty 

embracing our blindness
choosing to dance in this
dark room rather than
fumble & stumble terrified


a little ditty about anxiety

eyes of reassurance
silly for needing that
know I'm not just
sleepwalking through
these days left
eternally seeing through
corners of my eyes
now i can

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

hush, brain

when it's so
my sleepy anxious
head begins to
create its scenarios
fears I leaked out
more than was
(as I'm prone to do)
worries I'm seeing
what I want to see
I'll just settle
into my songs &
hope that these
doubts are just

where I want to be

anticipation of a
day away
has turned into
the glow that I'll
stay regardless
knowing that
nowhere else
do I overflow
beyond myself
as I do in the
sanctuary of this
hidden place


the promise to
revisit all the
poems taken 
too soon

(I'll bathe in those
words until they
fill every

the thought
there is now an

that time
won't stop
once you're 

it was enough

cause to
sing of patience
thru the rain
on home

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

space cadet

in orbit 

eyes magnetized
to each pass
already feeling that
hard pull of gravity

waiting for you to
breathe in
my atmosphere

for the descent
the landing
for you to plant

a flag

or... your calendar


countdown to raleigh

she and piano
this redheaded love affair
straddling her bench

since age of thirteen
since what if I'm a mermaid
rolling round a box

I've been listening
weeping through me and a gun
screaming blood roses

breathful blanket girls
detuned high and wired keys
can't stop what's coming

I'll ride along side
where'd you put the keys gurl, it's
ginger ninja time

morning melodrama and BIRDS

sleep comes a 
crumb at a time

waking now to the
metal on metal song of
(whatever the hell that bird is
I'm not an ornithologist)

today will be a sleepwalk

morning has been
punctuated with 

words who
died between
head and lips

haunting with
& doubt

but mostly

it's just 
very loud


once the thing was put
out there
(waves hand vaguely) 
it makes it so I'm 

my eyes are finally 
caught watching, &
that visibility feels a bit
too revealing to wear

this dam wants to break
& flood the air with all these 
things I want to say
in its own time & space

I'm just not good at this
but I'm trying

Monday, May 2, 2022

frustration while I eat my sammich

I'm so damn bugged
and wary
they are everywhere
listening & watching
I know them, those
ears & mouths I
hardly understand
& so I stay mostly 
though so many
conversations hide
behind the dam
of my lips
words that will 
have to pass 
more than
one poem

Sunday, May 1, 2022

this might hurt

I've toed the edge
hesitant but impatient 
trying to be safe
hiding my face

terrified of jumping
& not being caught
terrified of waiting
& missing my shot

it's a test of trust
letting myself fall
not knowing how
I will land

onto the rocks
broken amid the 
car parts, bottles
& cutlery

into the safety of
warm water
whole & dancing
in the waves

just let me enjoy
the hope that
I'll survive

Saturday, April 30, 2022

poem for the big fuckin leaver

my life has become this
endless loop of applying
stickers to shit no one needs &
dissociating to spanish music
while trying very hard not to
slice open my own fingers

which, I know, sounds like
party time

as long as I have this 
beautiful being
leaving me his words
riddles I can't fucking solve
picking trash from my hair
just sharing the same space

it's become

Thursday, April 28, 2022

some afternoon litter personification

there's a walmart bag
tumbleweeding down my street
that feels as if it should be going 
unnoticed but I see everything
like some silly American Beauty shit
casually hyperfocusing on
small moments & creating futures

where you goin, bag? 
he's moving with a free flowing purpose
towards main street, filling with wind
collapsing, reinflating like some little
rubbish sea creature, laying low for a
moment until a car stirs up his air &
sends him back on his garbage journey

he's early, purposely holding back
but she's already waiting for him under 
the bridge, a curvy little six pack ring,
loops stretched & broken, her newness 
long gone, but he's ripped in spots, too.
neither of them see these scars, only that
they're both of the same plastic

the greatest trash love story ever told

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

my thoughts whilst eating scrambled eggs

when I was younger all these
silly affirmations, mantras
they made more sense
seemed,  I dunno 

it's always darkest
before dawn

good things come to
those who wait

you're only given what
you can handle




it's always darkest...
lately the dark has lasted
what feels like a polar night*,
(*yeah, I just googled that) 
& here I've been humming 
here comes the sun,
(it's been a long cold lonely winter) 
so hopeful, so ready for that dawn
I realize now that sometimes you just
gotta go wake the sun up yourself

good things come to those who wait.
if that were true I'd have it all by now.
all the things. 
good things also come to
impatient assholes and I'm
starting to see where that quality 
might be a virtue.
sometimes you have to
yell for your waitress.

only given what I can handle
mm hmm. sure. right.
OR (hear me out) 
I'm just given what I'm given
which is really not even given,
shit just happens
I can either handle it or not
which is entirely up to me because the
universe isn't this benevolent force
handing me things it thinks I can hold.

y'know what
fuck platitudes 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

like the weather

mother's mourning is dusking the 
afternoon sky, worried, aching
I can hear her breaking
her rumbles of impending collapse 
her clouds brimming, exhausted

I feel my own well overflowing 
thunder cracking within
her first few drops wet my skin
mingle with my own, we
cry together into my coffee

Sunday, April 24, 2022

just mad at being mad at nothing

today I want to make myself
so small
outwardly, inwardly

existence is uncomfortable
in this moment
the absence of sound is as
unbearable as noise

it angers me
just being noticed, sitting
idle in a dark & quiet room
scowling at corporeal form

doing, feeling, anything, 
pulls all energy, every breath
from this absurdly awkward 
space-taking-up vehicle

I'm annoyed at how
melodramatic this all feels
I was large and looming just
yesterday, unashamedly THERE

I'm realizing this is frustration with
time & space as a whole, 
bodies & life & thought & feeling &
that stink bug that won't fucking land

oh my god bug JUST LAND ALREADY

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

dancing barefoot

I float a little when Patti
sings the last bit over and over, my 
hair feels longer, wilder,
heart beats stronger
repeating along in its rhythm her
spoken word, chanting her double
meanings, love and death until
there is no boundary anymore and
I am now that woman

Saturday, April 16, 2022

coffee with Herbert

two tired moms smoke
sighing on the boardwalk
jeans rolled midcalf, wet feet
shoved into sandy flipflops from
prancing like idiots in the cold
April waves of the Atlantic
under the pink moon
remote control car skitters past and
I say, that's cool dude
just walking your little car

the kids are all seven floors up
faces full of phones
missing the first night but
I'm feeling so free and
chicho's has a man with a guitar
singing men at work
we suck down seven dollar drinks
realizing we're probably the only ones 
old enough in this room to 
know the lyrics

I lie down, dream these words
eat starbursts with a man in my dream
while watching him write poetry in the
corner chair, asking the story of my life
he's gone by morning
the moms drink coffee 
overlooking the ocean
name the stray sandy sock lying
forgotten at the edge of the boardwalk

Friday, April 15, 2022

Ella, Billie, and Rose

skies are clear in me
sparkling, scatting with Ella
April in Paris

spilling my coffee
dancing through the kitchen to
Me, Myself, and I

giggles and chee-chee
you're much sweeter, goodness knows
Honeysuckle Rose

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

lunchtime jibber jabber

I sit in my car

(hey, 42 is a sign)


watching the blink of the 
light outside the cafeteria 
flash like morse code
attempting to decrypt

as if this is a message from the
universe for me,
an oracle answer to
questions I'm afraid to think

now my 
light has (again) lit up
orange, bold, urgent

(for once)
I don't even care,
there's too much
depth in this night

(for once)
I don't even need to 
force myself to 

Friday, April 8, 2022

no place

the weather is all wrong
to where I can't sit and
smoke on the front steps without
feeling the cold damp right through me
so I sit stagnant, sighing, crumbling
read some Raymond Carver and
share the couch with the man I ended
things with but still can't untangle from
he's curled in the fetal position, taking up
more than half, farting
still wearing a jacket and shoes
I'd rather not share anything anymore
I'd rather have a couch to myself
in a place that's mine
I can't claim anything
I'm stuck with a placelessness and a
headache from all the alcohol I said
I wouldn't drink and I want to throw
my phone into the North River and
maybe myself, too, sometimes

Thursday, April 7, 2022

some people are just born...uhhh...dead.

I've come to the conclusion 
that there are those that were just 
born old, just tired dusty shells
resembling humans but
who appear never to have experienced joy
wrapped up in this illusion of
business, politics, finances, religion
money money money
amassing the most material shit
gotta get more, get ahead
gotta be better than, holier
who don't even smile at a good
that's what she said
never get lost in a song or
write their heart's passion and pain
never paint their dreams
i can't even imagine how that happens
where they programmed?
are some people just inherently boring? 
i grieve for the gray souls
who can't see past the ride
the rules of this game to notice
all this life, all this beauty
music, art, poetry, humor
those who live without
by choice
they're already dead.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

things I'm quite sure that are most likely probably universal. maybe. who knows.

we all have old scars or
raw trauma, healing
it's hard to see another's wounds when you're still actively bleeding from your own
this isn't selfishness
this isn't neglect
this is survival
everyone is bleeding

we're all mind reading or
misreading or
inventing inner lives for
those inaccessible 
searching for that last puzzle piece
without knowing the whole picture or
amount of pieces still missing

we all wonder if we're doing this right

we're same enough
that the struggle is universal
but foreign enough that we 
still struggle

I might be over generalizing here but
I don't think so

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Dealing with shit. Poorly.


this is a harrowing little
bean of knowledge
lodged deep and festering
that will never be argued away

it itches

how can anyone tell
what is actual
what's important 

it's easy to just

let things fall

societal norms
the keeping of time
how many sick days left
how many days sober
oil in my car 
credit reports
divorce papers

trivial things filling and filling
this already overflowing cup of
musty-old relentless tedium

drinking helped, I thought
soaking in the mess I had
conjured, a stew of
all the chaos of the world.

nope, that made it worse. 

sleep has become the only 
reprieve from the dead ends
nevers, the everyday chorus of
     do I matter
my voice is lost in the noise

I just 
close my eyes
shake my etch a sketch life and
start over

Monday, January 17, 2022

dream dance

my numb feet
still asleep
push into the bed
solid on your ground
and dancing
with tip toes to make up
imagined distance, height
it's a heavy thing to
stop and start
carry through the blue
snow quiet world
when my dream left off
so warm

Friday, January 7, 2022

ode to all the terrible artists i still love

almost every artist
i loved growing up
has disappointed me 

those aren't my words
but it's a theme
I've noticed

finding out this writer
that rock star
such and such actor

makes mistakes
questionable ethics
were young once
struggled with 
mental illness
substance abuse
hard influences

everyone has had darkness
sorry but
the ones you haven't already
turned your backs on
the ones who've died
seemingly saints
were just better at hiding
their filth
their humanity

no one should have to carry
every fucking mistake