Friday, September 25, 2020

drinking to write

I've finished my drink and 
Debating another, bored
With Raymond Carver
But there's so much liquor
In his words,
In so many poets' really
I feel as if to quit drinking
Is to quit writing, feeling, breathing

I'm only a small part of an equation
Maybe just the mechanics
Guess the magic likely comes from
Thom Yorke's falsetto
This near empty bottle
Late September almost-cold
Smell of cinnamon

Undeniably internal impulses
Are also at play.

I really think another drink
Will squeeze out a truth
As it tends to always
Find me, tap me, and leave me dry

Nothing matters anymore
If it ever did

Might as well. 

Monday, July 13, 2020

only sometimes, though

Lying in bed
There's the sensation
Of sinking down hard
Heavy into the springs
While all at once
On the verge of
Levitating above. 

Odd moments where
Everything I hold feels
Too much for my fragile limbs
A fleeting weakness in my mind
That turns my arms to brittle toothpicks
And all else into dense weights. 

Sometimes I look around
And can only hear what I'm thinking
Question the authenticity of experiences
The reliability of my senses
Reality, normality, sanity.

Sometimes I'm a little crazy.

Monday, June 22, 2020

boring normal soup

I'm rolling through feelings
While searching out songs by theme
To say things too awkward to voice
But universal enough
For these songs to exist
To sing the things I feel so hard
And I'm just lost in these
Societal norms 
Just kill me
I'm done 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

a bit lost

I don't know
Anymore how to be
I tried kindness
And the rain
Washed it gone
And now
Tragically placed approvals
Are tiny betrayals
Becoming stranger
The middle is no longer
Comfortable or true
The edges are violent
Hiding is cowardly
There feels like
Nowhere safe to stand
And being in this dark place
Isn't allowed
When others are in darker

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Distancing (like always)

It's hard to breath
And I don't even have
This fucking virus.

Everything is split in half
With each side
Screaming, tearing, pulling
Just seeking out the facts
That fit what they already believe.
Painting the "other side"
As the enemy
When we're all dying here
Like always.

I'm just numb on the sofa
Filling with beer.
Touching my face. 
Questioning everything
Avoiding reality
Either panicked and paranoid or
Too deadened by it all
To really care.
Like always. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

This Morning's Dream

We worked in the dark
Half dancing, gathering twigs
By campfire
Under watchful frown
From a leathery old man
While our shadows played
Together in the trees.
Back in the cabin
You removed your leg
Made dinner
Pushed hair from your eyes
While I messed with the prosthesis
Propped by the screen door. 
The old man told us stories
From the war
Then shot a bullet into the ceiling
As punctuation. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Surreal Times

I wake up
check the death toll
before the covers come off
before my glasses go on
numbers that numb me
but the birds are all singing
the sun is shining
in this weird little pocket of normal.

This is not happening.

I wake my daughter
not for school
(which is out for summer vacation
before spring break even arrived),
but to keep me company
since my job closed a week ago
for I don't know how long
and now I'm left with so much time.

I force myself not to look at the news.

I do all the chores
that I never had time for

realize this is what it's like
to be a stay at home mom,
and I think I might like it
under other circumstances.

make lunch
shut the bedroom door
sit in silence and cry

I go for a walk through town
fresh air
no one within six feet of me.

I see everyone out in their yards
kids playing, lawns being mowed
people trying their hardest to keep moving
when everything else is grinding to a halt.
Cheery smiles but tired eyes.

I wave and ask, "How're you?"

Everyone says,

"Doing good...considering."

Friday, February 21, 2020

A morning mood before falling asleep

All this form it's just a puff of smoke
Edges dissipating into alien atmosphere
Freezing into awkward shapes
Too self aware for comfort
Is there actually any existence
Or all dream
What dictates reality anyway