Tuesday, June 21, 2022

oh, snap

a band snaps me back
in an instant, a flimsy circle
over thin skin to hold me 
in place, from distraction
gone but persistent, here 

surrounded by reminders, 
there's nowhere else to go
but backwards, pulled in,
a foot propped on a table,
a song taped to the line

(SNAP) the world comes
back into focus, a duller
version of a daydream that's
already seeping back in, an
eyelash blown into the wind

(SNAP) someone is playing
Piano Man in spanish, I sing
along in english, it's sad & it's
sweet & I knew it complete,
a way to shield the hated heat

(SNAP) move faster, focus & 
when he comes round with the 
clipboard again, take the time,
this place only amplifies what's
lovely & fleeting by being neither

Thursday, June 16, 2022

self pep talk

ignore where the mind goes
when tired and alone. this is a
nightmare field of nowhere,
existing only to rehearse for a
contingency, a risk assessment, 
an emergency exit from fear.

don't pretend to care or not,
the soul dismantles with every
lie, the spirit clouds each time
we change our masks to face
another's disguise. there is love
that can't be found in fictions. 

never doubt there's room for you,
your authenticity, your voice, to live. 
no place but everywhere, a space
homemade within the skin, a hidden
world where you are always allowed,
fully accepted, & loved unrestricted.

mistakes aren't defining & flaws are
beauty in the eyes of the worthy. 
tattoos are only decorative scars, 
same as all physical imperfections, 
mental differences, past experience, 
it's all just the ornamental ink of life.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022


we're all reduced to 
smaller than 

an idea,
a role, 
a type, 
a function.

a means but
not an end. 

all our words 
matter less.

there are no
soul confrontations,
only others to
bounce our own
sounds back.

return, confirm,

it's the essence 
of a game of
to distort 
every word.

interpret, reshape
into a thing that fits
what is expected, 
what is wanted. 

on both ends 
of the call.

Monday, June 13, 2022


my flowers are dead
crushed and rotting in a jar
just taking up space

I knew I'd kill them,
picked them months ago with no
water yet to give

petal by petal
each wilt under the knowledge
that I'm their owner

the dry spray of breath
betrays my expectations 
brittle and fallen

colors have faded
to an old & pale blood stain
marked with rejection

they know sometimes I
wish I'd never picked them, but
they're too parched to cry

oh, when will I learn
flowers only thrive when I
leave them in the earth

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Lok Gweltz

the shuffle between keys,
birds, the echo of room
stir memories of oceans 
never seen, cool salt air 
never breathed, a rocky
French coast of delicious
gloom only visited for the 
length of a song, a dance
for lonely notes uniting
under his fingers

Sunday, June 5, 2022

blood in the cut

the silence resonates 
louder lately,
paces through my body, 
bouncing limb 
to limb, into my very
nervous system, 
echoing the sound of
indefinite absence

it's a disquieting quiet
felt as starvation,
amplified by the effects of
memories, pills, time,
a resounding nothing
pounding rhythmic
while I hunger for

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

back & forth

numbness follows from 
these contradictory states 
I occupy



as if extreme emotions
could cancel each other 

leave a blank 
space that grumbles

there's nothing to 
feed it that won't 
breed its opposite

empty again

I'm filling this void
with velveeta


I'm an island of bone in a sea of 
blood slipping up my white shores,
washed with the stain of ruin, 
dragging the unwary under the 
heady iron waves of my blessed curse,
luring, conquering, sucking words 
of poets, songs of man into my 
inferno lungs & exhaling the smoke of 
this burning world into the 
faces of their ghosts