Tuesday, June 21, 2022

oh, snap

a band snaps me back
in an instant, a flimsy circle
over thin skin to hold me 
in place, from distraction
gone but persistent, here 

surrounded by reminders, 
there's nowhere else to go
but backwards, pulled in,
a foot propped on a table,
a song taped to the line

(SNAP) the world comes
back into focus, a duller
version of a daydream that's
already seeping back in, an
eyelash blown into the wind

(SNAP) someone is playing
Piano Man in spanish, I sing
along in english, it's sad & it's
sweet & I knew it complete,
a way to shield the hated heat

(SNAP) move faster, focus & 
when he comes round with the 
clipboard again, take the time,
this place only amplifies what's
lovely & fleeting by being neither