Thursday, December 8, 2005

poor mr. snowman

the snowman still stands
leaning harshly, waiting on
tomorrow's forecast

and for small hands to
give him another shot at
living till christmas

but it's sad to say
he'll be waiting forever
in an empty yard

out christmas will be
spent far away for this place
making new snow friends

leaving poor snowman
to tumble and melt in a
puddle of snow tears

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

more than me

i am not enough
i like to expand
beyond my limits
my life to
what could have been
in another time
or dimension
who i might have been
and suddenly i'm more
than a person
i'm infinite possibilities
lined up
and as i would pick
out my shirt from the
closet, who will i be

Monday, September 12, 2005

bus stop

all the other kids wait
glued to their mothers' side
or talking about their new shoes
or pacing back & forth staring
at the kid  who won't stop doing
spiderman moves, won't stop moving
won't let his mother near him while
they are watching, his injuries
sustained during a ninja kick to the
stop sign, he refuses to show these to
the woman-girl who bore him, who carried
him in her own fucking womb while he
practiced same ninja kicks on her insides.
why is he the only one moving. why is he
the only one the other parents stare at
in disapproval before their eyes swing to
me, looking me up and down in that,
'well, no wonder' look.
i'll bet their child doesn't know
the names or 17 human bones.
i bet their kindergartner
doesn't know what animatronics is.
i look them up and down, at their clothes that scream
i think, "well, no wonder."
the sheep raise sheep
and i don't mind raising a wolf.

Friday, July 22, 2005

i draw like a 3 year old

squiggle lines, a mess
lemme start over, shake shake
stupid etch a sketch

Sunday, January 23, 2005


her beauty came from
not within
or without (though she was)
but the girl
down the road
carrying barbies and
friendship bracelets,
caked with bonnie bell
and peel-off polish

dirt under her nails

two little girls
hushed, ducked
under unwatching eyes

into quiet
little girl play
into adult play

i thought i heard someone

while cyndi's voice
floats down
from the radio

girls just wanna have