Wednesday, April 27, 2022

my thoughts whilst eating scrambled eggs

when I was younger all these
silly affirmations, mantras
they made more sense
seemed,  I dunno 

it's always darkest
before dawn

good things come to
those who wait

you're only given what
you can handle




it's always darkest...
lately the dark has lasted
what feels like a polar night*,
(*yeah, I just googled that) 
& here I've been humming 
here comes the sun,
(it's been a long cold lonely winter) 
so hopeful, so ready for that dawn
I realize now that sometimes you just
gotta go wake the sun up yourself

good things come to those who wait.
if that were true I'd have it all by now.
all the things. 
good things also come to
impatient assholes and I'm
starting to see where that quality 
might be a virtue.
sometimes you have to
yell for your waitress.

only given what I can handle
mm hmm. sure. right.
OR (hear me out) 
I'm just given what I'm given
which is really not even given,
shit just happens
I can either handle it or not
which is entirely up to me because the
universe isn't this benevolent force
handing me things it thinks I can hold.

y'know what
fuck platitudes