Tuesday, May 4, 2010

antisocial networking

why is it so hard to believe
that i would rather engage in
meaningful conversation
than send make believe gifts
over the internet?

i don't care about boring chit chat
about nothing
of course
it's funny)
or what new waste-of-time game
you are playing.

this doesn't mean i don't
care at all,
i just want an honest
thought-out message,
and, if at all possible
full sentences (and words).

just give me something real.
i'm connected to so many people
only to feel even more
and bored.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


i'm trying things
for the first time
things i wanted to
incorporate into my life
but had discounted as
just not me.

who says i can't change
and surprise myself.

i'm living up to
everyone else's expectations
of who i am
and what i do
and it's gotten clausterphobic
confined to this
little box made of labels.

so i say
fuck that.
it's my life,
go get your own.