Saturday, September 3, 2022

dreaming small

if I disappear just a bit
into a ready-made story
(not that I could, but if)

erase enough of me that 
they quit digging on
exposed nerves &
I could not be found

well, then
life would be grand

I'd drink my coffee
after dinner, curl into 
the night alone to
read & sleep without
dreaming big

rinse & repeat

this is me, but
we love our big ideas
of self, flickering,
burning projections,
stories cast with us,
words written for us

but what character, then,
am I?

the ill-fated mother of
every fairy tale heroine,
only a beloved memory

a naive orphan wandering
the forest, serenading 
woodland creatures

a dark sorceress,
terrifying, commanding,
bitter to the beauty of youth

the feral warrior princess
fighting for nature,
renouncing humanity 

a spectral grin
teasing from the trees, 
spouting mad misdirection 

or, just

peaceful & small, 
wanting only a smoke,
a bit of adventure &
a second breakfast