Sunday, July 31, 2022

i must be asleep

any time now
I'm going to
wake up &
tell everyone
I dreamt that
my cat just
gave birth to
George Jetson

Saturday, July 30, 2022


if the sky were gray
this wouldn't all feel 
so wrong
but aching here in
the sunshine
lends an unbearable
dimension to emptiness
& lines it with guilt

Monday, July 18, 2022

tired: a song without music

I'm learning slowly
the cruel lies of time
losing intention & 
ignoring the signs
keeping hands up 
over my eyes
it's impressive 
how much pain my
ignorance buys

I write my maps of 
unresolved dreams
handmade grief & 
shifting extremes
keep turning this wheel 
of hope & ennui
until I'm so dulled
I don't care 
what I believe

adrift in the sea or
running aground
it's my own siren song
that lures me to drown
my heart pulls me in &
fear holds me down
I know how to swim but 
I'm so tired &
lost in the sound

Sunday, July 17, 2022


time's not forgiving
put down the crystal ball &
roll the fucking dice

Saturday, July 16, 2022


old friend, you may be
tearing my stomach up, but
I just can't quit you


to tread bare faced, raw
through a world of masked liars
is true bravery

Thursday, July 14, 2022

I never could get the hang of Thursdays

I awoke to Shadowy Men
on a Shadowy Planet, guitars &
nostalgia signaling me from my
phone, dragging me out of a 
basement nightmare where all my
comics & vinyl were filled with
bugs (also, eggs of bugs)


~but before that~

there were donkeys on the
deck, an entire family of them just
pissing and jumping everywhere
(their elders spoke English but 
said nothing of consequence)
these eventually morphed into 
my friends, who were holding 
drinks & ignoring me

go ahead &
analyze that

yeah, I'm glad I'm out,
into this blur of a world & 
Kids in the Hall isn't a 
terrible way to wake
the cat is screaming 
at my door & 
I'm out of cream for my
coffee & 
there's this desert 
in my mouth from the
4am boozy boys

ahhh already
fuck you, Thursday. 

Sunday, July 10, 2022


all these interviews 
show that she was alone
among the children, 
quietly mad & cruel

had the world been such a
sacrifice if her brilliance 
shown so clearly in
black & white, photos of
lives unseen

is it better to burn 
brightly & dangerous, 


to coast happily
ignorant of the
dark alleys, 
spreading one's
mediocrity evenly 
over just the

connecting & loving,
being loved without
sharp corners, collections, 
fixed points of anger

pleading at the end
just to be seen

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

rope bridge

quote from a dream world: 

"safety isn't always comfort, 
but sometimes danger.
excitement isn't necessarily 
danger, but sometimes safety."

full circle. I guess. 

that doesn't 
make sense,
but I just woke up.

I had another bridge dream
where I stalled on my side
of a long rope bridge over a
canyon of certain death.

this isn't my worst fear
but it's definitely
one of them.

it replaced the bridge to Hatteras
(which seemed taller than necessary,
but I suppose that was my perception).
Hatteras wasn't on the other side &
that doesn't make sense, either. 

to be where I needed,
I had to cross.

I'm a little disgusted by this
obvious metaphor.