Thursday, August 19, 2021


we're living and dying all at once
experiencing every moment for the
first and last time, I don't know whether to 
celebrate or mourn, so I do a bit of both
each day, maybe the imbalanced are the
only ones who've got it right
understand the precarious 
balance of reality


telepathy doesn't work
I know
neither does prayer but
never stops them from trying
I'll send this out to the collective, it's 
bound to be picked up by
receptive fellow crazies
I'll think of a word, a tree
send my thought back while I wait on this
island painting the shadows and
shapes from my dreams and I will never
have to go back to normalcy again

Monday, August 16, 2021

underwater and still burning

legs pulled up, tucked
my best imitation of these kittens
that are sharing my sofa & eating my hair
listening to what's mine over the radio
the sisters can't know what's hiding
underwater, nor can I because written
words turn the obvious into mystery
silence turns into wounds, 
all convenient places to hide.
absence doesn't make us fonder
it gives the warmth time to forget
douses with waters deep over flames, 
I can't keep burning so bright. 
I'm pouring these embers, residual and
lingering into words and kittens and piano
keys in hopes that it eventually finds its
way back home and lights the house on fire.

Saturday, August 14, 2021


April 21, 2019

We sat there
With such a thickness in the room
Each time
My mouth would open
Then shut
Like a dumb fish
There are words
That we can't undo
No rewind or do over
Truths that hurt to say
Hurt not to.

Friday, August 13, 2021

It's Ending

(written 6/23/19)

Everything we do
No matter how bright the sun
Is laced with mourning

Bittersweet laughter
Blends into silence
Which is more lonely
When shared

I can't feel anything right

I experience everything alone
Half of us is always asleep
Or somewhere awake and dreaming

I don't know how to say this out loud
To you
So I'm saying it here
I'd rather be lonely alone.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

a little help

nothing lands anymore
permanence was always the enemy
nah, not permanence.  
I meant stagnation.
full stop.
but some certainty
just a clue
would help,
you know?