Thursday, October 7, 2010

bedtime narcissism

i am
a child
in love with

i am
too good
for mass hysteria
and trends.

i am
when i write

i am
more than you
and less than
i want.

i can't
begin to describe
what i feel
but i still try.

i know
this is self
but whatever
fuck off.

i feel
music and rhythm
like i feel
pleasure and pain

i know
myself and love
myself and love
anyone who
feels the

i wish
i could crawl
into your mind
into your soul
take root and

i am


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

antisocial networking

why is it so hard to believe
that i would rather engage in
meaningful conversation
than send make believe gifts
over the internet?

i don't care about boring chit chat
about nothing
of course
it's funny)
or what new waste-of-time game
you are playing.

this doesn't mean i don't
care at all,
i just want an honest
thought-out message,
and, if at all possible
full sentences (and words).

just give me something real.
i'm connected to so many people
only to feel even more
and bored.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


i'm trying things
for the first time
things i wanted to
incorporate into my life
but had discounted as
just not me.

who says i can't change
and surprise myself.

i'm living up to
everyone else's expectations
of who i am
and what i do
and it's gotten clausterphobic
confined to this
little box made of labels.

so i say
fuck that.
it's my life,
go get your own.

Friday, April 30, 2010


so natural and alive
that i crave it constantly
the colors, the feel
sliding around my mouth and
down my throat,
slippery leaves and sweet oils
the firmness of the carrots
the juices from the tomatoes
rolling over my tongue
teasing my senses


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

slaying the day

i'm new already.
whatever mountains stood in front of me
i have moved
and now i'm a fucking wonder woman
so watch out, man.

Monday, April 19, 2010

hand prints

i touched her ashes yesterday.
the thought of it was unnerving until
she was in my hand
and i was letting her fly into the wind
under her tree.

we all handled a little bit of her,
spreading her out
then returned to our loved ones
putting an ashen palm
on another's shoulder or back,
leaving grey death prints
in the shape of
our hands.

i didn't really mind
carrying a little of her
on my back.

i need to get out of this rut, man.

why is all my time so boring?
i'm wasting all this life on
people i don't want to see
and places i don't want to be.


i want my family and my friends.
i want the woods and the mountains and the beach.
i want fresh air and nature,
to run around free
and barefoot
i want the opportunity to
be ME

maybe it's not just
i NEED these things
or my crazy spirit
could die.

and, let me tell you
that would suck.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

rising up

i'm picturing myself
the way i should be
and tell myself i will be.

i'm making promises to myself
that i want to keep
and it's so easy to see it all
clearly, moving to the
drumbeat of empowerment
and almost-spring rain
cooling the raging fires
of self-hatred.

i have that in me,
to be a phoenix.
no matter what you think.

missing the old life

it's really intimidating
trying to compete with someone's past.
i love him and i hope he knows it
because i remind him
i can't let go of some things, though
and i wonder if that could be
i dwell on my past because
my present isn't quite as exciting.
that's not what i meant.
it's different than what i was expecting.
not boring by any means.
just not the perpetual party
i remember living in.
there's not the spontaneity
the buzz or the blurred nights
spent in blind adoring bliss.
life was hard then
but there was always friends
waiting to take my hardships away
how did i ever deserve that?
it's hard to re-make those kinds of friends.
i haven't even tried.
i can only reminisce.
why am i crying.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

old poem

Easy to Leave

i came home
after work
around 1am
carrying my
three year old
in one arm.
a new
coffee maker
in the other
and found
a large black
square hole
in the entertainment center
which was where
his TV had rested
which told me
that he


i let it all go out loud,
out where all my thoughts are judged,
or do i really believe
that anyone would care or take the time
to wonder about me or dissect my thoughts

not really.

i shut up-a the mouth of the
dwelling angsty girl
although that's who i am
now it just doesn't seem appropriate for
someone my age.
it only seems sad.

so now what.
the only times i can be alive
are those 1 a.m.'s alone
when i've had too many drinks and
no one spying over my shoulder
so i'm not (really) censored


i hate that i can't be honest
when people are watching anymore.

i hate that i now prefer drinking alone.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

still hope

i'm not
i said i wouldn't be

but damn close

i'm a mom
lets a tv
or playstation
do all the work

i work too hard
at a worthless job
for too little
and am operating
so far below my
that it's embarrassing

i've taken all the
that i used to have
for my own dream
and used it toward
someone else's
(a man)

i drink to
and on occasion

it's not everything
i said i wouldn't
be or

i mean,
i haven't become
a republican,
a christian,
or a clown

so i suppose
there's still

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


liquor brings out the past in you
or me
i'm really talking about me
shows the important milestones
the monumental songs and events
loves and pinings
the truth however
it is.
the undercurrent
of the soul.
the lost love
of your life.
the soundtrack
of your life.
the hidden thoughts,
the buried treasures,
the forbidden longings,
everything in between.
liquor is

Thursday, February 11, 2010

soco is the best medicine

the ache,
pain blooming
from my mouth
my ear
in bleeding

bottle of
bottle of
too easy
too fast

wash it down
with a coke
in a glass
that's never
even as i
even as i

gets rid of
the hurt
and even more
erases the